This is how "serious" I get when I plan a picture... Haha. |
Step 一.) Drawing my characters is very serious business. I don't want to portray them terribly (a.k.a super ugly) so I plan before I start. I often ask myself:
- だれはえにいますか。
- どこにいますか。
- どんなかみでつかいますか。
Step 二.) いきましょう!!I whip out my blank sheet of かみ and I はじめましょう!でも、I often look at reference materials to help. Why use a reference when I already know what my characters look like? Well, it is often useful when I want to draw them wearing trendy clothes or in a specific place. The human mind is very forgetful... Especially mine.
Step 三.) 一ばんえをつくります(First draft of the picture)!!I begin by very rough and just get an outline for the picture and then I go back and add the details! Just as in writing you go through several drafts to create a polished paper I go through several pencil revisions until I get a draft that I like!
I spend hours drawing like this.いつも、ぐらい4~8じかん。。。 |
Step 四.) I go back over the pencil draft with black pens. ペンがたくさんあります。でも、一ばん好きなぺんはTechnical pens です。They come in a variety of sizes for every situation! でも、ペンはとてもたかいですよ!!I use them only on serious pictures that I plan to finish! (Ain't nobody got time for wasted ink!)
Step 五.) To really bring the picture home and give my characters a professional look, I apply "Screen Tones". Screen Toneは何ですか。Screen Tones are used to give a picture a sense of texture and shadows. They are a staple in both American and Japanese comics and if you look closely at screen tones you will see that they are nothing more than super tiny boxes or dots!
Step Done!) The picture is complete and my characters are able to breathe a sigh of relief! It feels good to have completed the picture and I feel proud that I am able to free my characters from the confines of my mind and give them a physical body (え) and せかい to explore! I put the picture on my shelf and admire it until I get the glow of inspiration in my eyes! Then it is time to repeat the process!
"Keep Believing. Keep Pretending."--Jim Henson
ReplyDeleteすみません!でも、英語で書いてもいいとおもいました。Park先生は「*ブログは日本語でかいてください。漢字かんじもつかってください!If you cannot write exclusively in Japanese, use English.」といいました。(Park先生のポスト:2月10日です)
ReplyDeleteはじめまして!わたしもえをかくことがだいすきです。いま、コロンビアだいがくでVisual Artsをべんきょうしています。よくあぶらえをかきますが、まんがをこころむことがほしいです。ブリアナさんのかきかたはおもしろそうですね。そして、いつかブリアナさんのさくひんをみたいです!
DeleteVisual Artsはいいですね。わたしはVisual Artsをべんきょうしたいでしたが、今物をたくさんべんきょうしていますよ。コンプータのかがく(Computer Science) と Theatre と日本語をべんきょうしています。でも、コロンビアだいがくの一年生ですから、じかんがたくさんありますよ。Elizabethさんのあぶらえをみたいですよ!!!