Monday, September 30, 2013

A Little Bit About Me!


コロンビア だいがくのいちにねんせいです。
アメリカ の オクラホマ からきました。



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! My name is Masaki. Nice to meet you! I’m a student of Ritsumeikan University in Japan and studying business administration. Now I live in Osaka prefecture but I used to live in Malaysia for 4 years. My hobby is to play sports, especially volley ball and soccer. My English is horrible so I hope that you would teach me some English. Of course I‘ll teach you Japanese too! まさきだよ。 これからよろしく、ピーター!ともにがんばっていこうね!

    Recently, the Japanese government settled to raise the tax of sales in next year’s April. It would be about 5% to 8%. This change would austerity our life. Then, how is the tax of sales in your country? Is it high, or low? Does the government of U.S deciding to raise some tax?

  3. Hi, Masaki! Nice to meet you too! I also like sports but I'm not very good. My favorite is probably tennis (I can barely hit the ball). You're English is just fine! I am able to communicate with you! :)
    The sales tax in America is different for each state. My home state of Oklahoma has a sales tax of about 7% to 8%. The U.S. government is a complete mess... It was recently shut down. :p
